Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thank you to our special guests!

Mr. LaMastus came and explained the life cycle of a cotton plant. We were able to see how cotton turned from a seed into a fruit. He also taught us how he helps farmers... helping them know what to plant and how to keep bugs away! 

Mr. LaMastus explained how plants need soil, water, and warm sunlight to grow.

Thank you Mr. LaMastus!! 

We also had Mrs. Hood come tell us how she takes care of her pet Filson. She taught us about being responsible and to have a happy heart while we work...just like Filson. 

Our story is about pets and what we can do to take care of them. Mrs. Hood feeds, exersizes, and grooms Filson. She even brushes his teeth! 

Filson demonstrated our Amazing Words for this week. 

Thank you for sharing Filson with First Grade!!

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